A Week off and National Leadership Conference

Well, I'm officially starting my week off..since yesterday was a National holiday (it doesn't really count). You may ask, how am I spending my week away from teaching? Well, I'm spending the better part of my day (4-11pm) making runs to and from the airport picking up speakers/guests for the NLC at Calvary. Tomorrow, I'll try to hit a few of the general sessions/workshops...maybe Dr. Tuttle's (American Patriotism and World Evangelism) , Dr. Huss's (John's Prologue Unpacked: Avoiding teh Liberal and Conservative Christological Heresies), or Dr. Bauder's (Very God of Very God: Begotten, Not Made; Historical Expressions of the Deity of Christ)....who knows? I've also got to transport a few hundred pretzels for the NLC...all in a day's work. Thursday, the same (general sessions/workshops...especially, the 2pm one...), bbal practice @Bucks at 5:30 (last one of the year...tear :(, and try to make it back for Bible study. Friday, got a couple of return airport runs in the afternoon then KCEA Basketball Tournament @ Valley Forge at 8pm then I'm taking a few of the bball guys back to stay over until the tourney games in the afternoon...sleep in, eat pancakes, watch Hoosiers (if there was a better game to watch before a state championship game..I think not). After the tournament, I'll be heading to Camp for Singles Winter Weekend until Sunday afternoon then CBI on Sunday night @ Calvary...so, even though its a week off...its kind of full...at least I get to sleep in and I'll be posting more as I can...thoughts on the Conference...comments on the tourney...girls phone #'s I got at the winter weekend (j/k...stephen & sarah don't get your hopes up). Alright, I better go to clean out my car and get it prepped for airport runs.

So, in the Spirit of NLC...unity in a pluralistic world & also in reference to situations
God is bringing into my path this week may we echo Christ's statements in our lives...

John 17:11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the
world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of
your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.

John 17:21-23 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in
you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have
sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as
we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let
the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved


February 4, 2007...what a marvelous day for Indiana sports. The Indianapolis Colts defeated the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XLI to win their first NFL Championship since moving to Indianapolis in 1984. Congrats to Coach Dungy, Peyton Manning, Marvin Harrison, the rest of the team, and the city of Indianapolis for a great run & for bring home a championship. I still can't believe it really happened...until next February the Indianapolis Colts are the World Champs...that's pretty awesome. What was even more awesome were the statements by Coach Dungy and Owner Jim Irsay that credited God for not just the success but for the journey he took them on and continues to take them on as Christians...kinda cool. I actually was reading an article from the IndyStar in Monday's paper about how coaches (like Dungy) need to separate their religion from football and stick to X's and O's. I second the replies that others have brought to the table and include it as a link that Christianity is and should never be a private ritual...it is a relationship more public than any other...we can't divorce someone's faith from their personal life. If America tries to remove the faith from all public avenues, what do we have left? As Christians, I'm persuaded that we are not to shove religion down anybody's throat, but should literally ooze out Christ so others would see something different and distinctly beautiful in us...Christ is life...even in football. Good job Colts and Coach Dungy! Continue to proclaim your faith from every platform you have (even makeshift ones in Miami).

Snow and a little update

Well, I have a day set aside now b/c of inclement weather to give a little update and hopefully keep more in touch with those few who actually view this blog. No School today b/c of snow/freezing rain...they've been giving us false hope for the past few weeks...and by "they", I mean the weatherman in the Philly area. They build up our anticipation all week just to dash our hopes and dreams with nothing. Sometimes they give us a 2-hr. delay (which we had 3 so far this year)...guess its better than nothing. So far, I've used this day to strengthen my vocabulary, grab a few hrs. more sleep, read (a few hrs. so far), catch up on all my favorite soap operas (yeah right), and blog. So, I'll be adding more than just a picture soon b/c a lot has happened in the month I've been away and beside the updates I really need to muse a little more. The picture's not that great, but you get the point