He pursues us and rejoices over the repentent

With a holy and benevolent affection, God pursues us like a distraught lover. I was reminded today of God's jealousy over me parallels my jealousy for the affection of another. Though my affections are finite and frail and prone to selfishness, God's are holy and pure as He fights for me every day. I'm learning that pride can hamper not only relationships with people, but most importantly with God. If I don't see my sin as an offense against a righteous God, I'm saying God's sacrifice is not enough to cover that sin and I fall into idolatry because I want to keep this sin as my own...it's what I come to treasure.

I was blown away by Luke 15 today as I pondered the idea of repentance. God rejoices, as well as the angels, when we turn from sin to a holy God. I love the picture of the shepherd who pursues the sheep who's willfully wandered off. He rejoices over me...but I'm the one who went away to do my own thing. My first reaction is God should scold and correct, but He doesn't...he, like the shepherd & the woman who lost the coin, proclaims it all.

The prodigal son rebukes me on a daily basis as I see myself demanding from God what I believe is entitled to me then squandering it on "reckless living". I often live with the pigs instead of rejoicing in the fellowship of the Father. But God pursues us (and oh how thankful I am for that) and embraces and kisses us when we ran the opposite direction.

As well, I see myself in the perspective of the older brother who judges afar off and is not willing to accept the prodigal brother (though the Father has embraced him with open arms) because I'm so wrapped up in myself and what I believe grace/mercy should look like. But even to us "older brothers", the Father still extends grace...God saw the anger of the older brother but still invited him to the feast. He says "all that is mine is yours", and that baffles me, but I'm grateful for it.

Today, I saw both the fruits of regeneration in others that brought rejoicing to my lips (prodigals coming home & celebrating) and the contempt for others that brought judgment and jealousy (the older brother). Can there be more polar opposites can come from the same lips? So as a "prodigal" and an "older brother", I fall at the Father's feet forever grateful that He jealously pursues me and that I'm found in Him celebrating continuously as I accept other "prodigals" and "older brothers" into the feast.