a lot of prodigals

Seems to be a constant theme from the multiple facebook shares of this video...which is stellar (and the repeat showing at the NEXT conference):

to reading Prodigal God by Tim Keller last month to see the real (primary) Prodigal as the Father relentlessly & recklessly pursuing His children...

to replaying "The Prodigal" over & over again the last couple of weeks (which the video/song is from) from "Sons & Daughters" by Sovereign Grace Music which is one of their best...and that's saying something.

to a great reminder last night in group redemption as we reached Luke 15 and covered it yet again.

Seems God is trying to get a few things across to me/us...we are never too far from His grace, we are not condemned by our sin if we are found in Him, and we can try to find fulfillment in many things (wealth, possessions, relationships), but they never satisfy in a way only He can.

Btw, check out the NEXT sermons, pics, worship lineup/purposes for certain songs, and a couple of great articles/songs from Bob Kauflin on battling sin/lust & living with disabilities all from Memorial Day weekend...they're so good...more on that later.