
Quick update since time management and organization with a blog haven't been a strong point. Its probably a good thing that I'm not overly obsessed with writing too much, but I'd like to keep the faithful few updated on my life as it concerns them.

This past month (February) has been packed with several new beginnings, attempts at reform, and promises made and broken. Early in the month I joined a gym which is exciting because for those who haven't seen me in the post-college years...I desperately need it. It convicted me each time I would (and still does) teach health and P.E. that the most out of shape person was the teacher. Well, I joined...I have only been a few times in the past few weeks and not every missed opportunity was validated.

This month I put a deposit on a trip that I'm taking this summer with our church teen group to Thailand...I'm excited and hesitant at the same time. Its hard for me to foresee God working then when I'm still waiting for finances to come in. I don't have the faith that it will come in, and I recognize that. I've tried a couple of futile avenues to raise finances that haven't come to fruition yet.

About mid-February, I actually started the most exciting of the three endeavors (as of right now). I joined a business team in the Southern PA are called LTD that works in helping companies transition onto the web through marketing and advertising. I didn't think it was for me at first because I don't like to sell things (because thats what I thought I was doing), I didn't think I had the time or money, and I've seen people do things similar to this one and they've alienated people. I'm excited because its not like a job even though it is...I just share new ways of doing things, new products that help toward healthier living, and I have fun doing it. I'd like to explain it more, but its a little complicated to do so and I don't think a blog is the place. Its great because we're going through an expansion phase right now and we're looking for sharp, ambitious people who'd like to make extra money...so if you know of any body you know how to contact me:)

In February I participated in worship with Shane & Shane, Starfield, and Bethany Dillon in Paoli, PA...probably the best concert that I've been to and I've been to a good many in my 24 years. A few weeks later we saw Caedmon's Call and Derek Webb at PBU...I greatly enjoyed it, but kinda missed not hearing some of their classics, but how can I complain because it was still awesome.

The retreat at camp this year was great...nobody died tubing though some got close (seriously not good). The theme was humility and something I have been st-ruggling with for as long as I can remember. God has been continuing to work in my life through situations, circumstances, sermons, individuals to confront me in this...He is so big and so great yet I still think I have a great handle on things myself. I need to just surrender and hold nothing back because he's withheld no good thing from me.

March should be an exciting month if I apply the things I've been taught and heard the past few weeks. I look forward to hopefully seeing a few of you in the next few weeks if I get to traveling...as my business grows it should allow for more time this summer which is less than 3 months away...awesome!! Can't wait, but while I'm here where I am now I must continue to serve and follow. May God continue to uphold you with His right hand.