Still Thankful!

In the midst of what seems to be a storm, God continues to prove Himself worthy to be trusted! Amazing how He keeps showing me even though He doesn't have to. This semester has had its ups and downs, and I'm glad that He's been faithful. Posting a few clips of ways to express my thankfulness...which is often expressed in song!

Before There Was Time by Caedmon's Call in Trappe, PA.
(free concert about 10 minutes from my old house)
Navigation: C \ Caedmon's Call \ Before There Was Time

Before there was time
There were visions in Your mind
There was death in the fall of mankind
But there was life in salvation's design

Before there were days
There were nights I could not see Your face
But the night could not keep me from grace
When You came and took my place


So I cry holy only begotten Son of God
Ancient of days
I cry holy only begotten Son of God
And sing the praises
Of the One who saved me
And the promises He made

Before there was time
You counted the hairs on my head
You knew all the words I've said
And You purchased me back from the dead

Before I was made
You searched me and knew my ways
You numbered all my days
And You set forth the steps I would take

You saved me; You raised me
You saved me; You pulled me from the grave

Chorus 2x

So I cry holy only begotten Son of God
Ancient of days
I cry Holy only begotten Son of God
And sing the praises
Of the one who saved me
And the promises He made
Before there was time

Here Is Our King by the David Crowder Band at the Electric Factory in Philly.
Sorry the audio isn't the greatest. The "jumping for Jesus" is interesting...these people were very joyful about who God is (a good reminder).

From wherever spring arrives
To heal the ground
From wherever searching comes the look itself
A trace of what we’re looking for
So be quiet now and wait

Chorus 1:
The ocean is growing
The tide is coming in
Here it is

Chorus 2:
Here is our king, here is our love
Here is our God Who’s come
To bring us back to him
He is the one, he is Jesus, Jesus

And what was said to the rose
To make it unfold
Was said to me here in my chest
So be quiet now and rest

Chorus 1

Chorus 2

Majesty, finally
Majesty, finally here

Chorus 2

Majesty, finally

Boston Recap

The past few weeks have been extremely busy...I'm not the greatest at words so I'm gonna post a lot of pics/videos if I can.

First off, pics from this summer when my friend Weez and I went to Boston in August.

Beautiful City

Union Oyster House (America's Oldest Restaurant) had some wicked clam chowder!!

Boston Skyline at Night

And of course....the whole reason we came!!! They actually lost that day, but we all know the end result...GO SOX!!!

Harvard...could never go there as a student, but amazing campus..

This video sums up the entire trip in a nutshell

2 weeks in to I'm pooped

I haven't updated in a while so, I'll list a few things that have happened since my last post:
1.) Went to Boston w/a friend from Greenville (will post pics. soon)
2.) Then traveled to Delaware and Virginia Beach for a few days before school began
3.) Tried to work in my classroom the week before inservice, but they were painting
4.) Found out they couldn't paint b/c I had mold in my classroom which has since been removed(will post pics later)
5.) Started school last Tuesday and also came down with the flu at the same time.
6.) Jump started my tennis career by playing 5 different times in the past week.
7.) Decided to move my residency to a house 5 minutes closer to school for about half the rent each month (praise the Lord the move will be happening by the end of this month)
8.) Lost my internet at home earlier this week because they never sent us a bill then decided to cancel it (and b/c I'm moving...I'm not worried about it...I just can't email at night for the next few weeks)
9.) Went to a free Caedmon's Call concert on Sunday at a Lutheran church nearby (pics and video soon)
10.)Have been killing myself to stay on top of grading/lesson plans/daily routine with a heavier class load this year
11.) Taking a seminary class on Wednesday nights entitled "Counseling Principles"
12.) Finally received my books from Desiring God about 2 weeks ago...and just read A God-Entranced Vision of All Things
13.) Going on the Singles Mtn. retreat after the soccer/vball games tomorrow night
14.) Will be riding/driving 17hrs. next weekend to Minnesota for Dan Birkholz & Jodi Ostergard's wedding
15.) have been drooling for the last half hour over the 80GB/160GB ipod classic...and contemplating how I can justify buying one.
16.) Am realizing that God has a reason for upset plans, tough decisions, disappointments, frustrations, times I lack faith and am indecisive...He's preparing me for something and looking for my good.

The Long Night is Over

I continue to praise God for His sustaining grace in my life through this summer. For those who know, I've been working 3rd shift for the past 10 weeks at a fiber-manufacturing plant. I took the job to give me extra income for the summer to pay off bills, save some, take a trip or two w/friends, and I thank God for that.

What I never expected was the physical anguish that I would have to endure while working there. I know it may seem like nothing, but to me it was all I could do (and drenched in God's grace) to keep myself from not quittting almost every night. I have severe foot pain b/c of flat feet that I've never had significant problems with, but working 8hrs. straight on concrete really takes its toll. It got so bad there were days I had to call off work b/c I couldn't walk down the stairs.

Well, by God's providential design he directed me to an amazing podiatrist who helped with drugs (oh, sweet pills), new insoles, and a great running store for shoes that are designed to help. Crazy thing is he said my feet are a little spastic so gotta go back in a few weeks w/x-rays to see if he's right. Another little tidbit of extra goodness, my primary physician along w/spending 2minutes in the exam room looked at my feet and said "wow, those are flat" then proceeded to tell me that I've got high blood God's working again, He helped curb another issue while I was so focused on something else.

All that to say God is great, and His grace has sustained in spite of my weakness. I look at this and say how miniscule this in when others are suffering from debilitating/life-threatening diseases or devastating poverty. The amazing thing is the God who is concerned for the suffering looks at me w/that same gracious gaze.

Driving on my way to work, psyched about my last night (btw not smart to take a flash pic while driving)

Here was my work area for the last 10 weeks winding reels of fiber onto other reels...exciting.

New Playlist

Music is a great outlet to praise God for who He is and magnifying His great works. I take this seriously and pray that by this next entry as well as the music portrayed you will see a greater reflection of God as He shows Himself off.

Recently, I added a playlist to my blog (per the resourcefulness and ingenuity of my sis-in-law (thanks Sarah). I thought I would present my reasoning behind each...generally, to glorify my God and Savior with some lightheartedness as well. I know they're a lot of songs here, but I could seem to let any go (If you do listen to one listen to #8)

1.) BELOVED by DEREK WEBB - What a reminder as Christ's beloved!!! We so want to live under laws and restrictions rather than free as Christ has made us:

"beloved there is nothing more
no more blessings and no more rewards
than the treasure of my body and blood
given freely to all daughters and sons"

2.) YEARN by SHANE & SHANE - one of my favorite songs ever b/c its my heart's desire. Also hearing the passion in the voices and b/c of lyrics like this "You give life and breath/through Him You give all things/in Him we live and move/THAT'S WHY I SING!

3.) IMAGO by SHAWN MCDONALD - a little flaminco flare on the guitar (which I love) that kind of makes you feel like you're in a stadium watching the bull/matador standoff. "Imago" means maturity and something that I'm striving for in my relationship w/God.

4.) ENOUGH by Chris Tomlin - My God and Savior is MORE THAN ENOUGH...enough said.

5.) PRAISE YOU IN THIS STORM by CASTING CROWNS - God never promised to rid our lives of every trial and obstacle, but promised He'd be there. What greater reason to pray and trust when we can't see the end, but know the one who's already written it.

6.) A NEW LAW by DEREK WEBB - The thing I love about Derek Webb is his desire to see the body grow and to not always put it in palatable terms. As Christians, we want the easy answers or the "easy" way around something w/o wrestling through the situation/issue (even seeming contradictions in Scripture). I've seen this w/my students when they're expressions yell just give us the answer (or sometimes they actually say it), but don't want to take the time to learn something for themselves.

7.) WEDDING DRESS by DEREK WEBB - If you haven't figured out...I love Derek Webb. What a message: "I am a whore I do confess/But I put you on just like a wedding dress/and I run down the aisle, and I run down the aisle/I'm a prodigal with no way home/but I put you on just like a ring of gold/and I run down the aisle to you" I hate the phrase "saved by the skin of my teeth" b/c we in no way are if we've been impacted by grace, God's grace. I don't think this song is saying that, but that we're as Gomer did whoring around w/materialism, backbiting, dissension, the trappings of culture while Hosea waits patiently. Christ has called us to Himself, and we are His bride awaiting the wedding day, but are we squandering His grace by fulfilling every other pursuit except for Him (this song speaks on so many levels of my own life),

8.) I WILL LIFT MY EYES by BEBO NORMAN - IF YOU'VE MADE IT THIS FAR, YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS SONG!!!! Although most of these you could call favorites, this is the most recent one that I play over and over and over.

9.) NOTHING WITHOUT YOU by BEBO NORMAN - communicating my hearts cry once again. Its Romans 3 combined w/so many of the Psalms...we're nothing w/o Christ, but in reflection of that I will glorify Him by showing the world I'm nothing

10.) BE NEAR by SHANE & SHANE - what better than to rest in the closeness of an almighty God that desires to be near to us!!

11.) OUR GREAT GOD by FERNANDO ORTEGA - Fernando Ortega has a great grasp on God and in using scripture w/his music to portray it. HALLELUJAH to our great God...oh what eternity will be like praising you forever.

12.) GIVE ME JESUS by FERNANDO ORTEGA - not sure who the other guys are (maybe the authors), but Fernando is singing here and echoing my life's prayer until I leave this earthen vessel to have more of Him.

13.) WHEN GOD RAN by PHILLIPS, CRAIG, & DEAN - My eyes are welling up again as I listen to it...what grace by an almighty, omnipotent, awesome God. First heard this back at Northern Park in Greenwood, IN, and it remains a favorite reminder of my great God's love

14.) SHINE ON US by PHILLIPS, CRAIG, & DEAN - Reminds me of a Piper message that I listened again to earlier this week "Oh, that I may fall deeper into debt to grace". More grace dripping from ever part of us...we need more grace each day to sustain us.

15.) THE EVERLASTING by THIRD DAY - Because of lines like these, I love this song (its sweating truth):
"Through the raging of the seas
The hills proclaim Your majesty
All these things created for
The glorifying of the Lord
We praise Your name forevermore"

16.) WONDERFUL, MERCIFUL SAVIOUR by SELAH - I remember first hearing Selah at a concert back in '98 when they came to Greenwood with Third Day. I know P,C,&D sing it, but I love the rendition I heard it first from. I'm glad to see songs like this one picked up by Calvary and other churches that I've been to. "YOU ARE THE ONE OUR HEARTS ALWAYS HUNGER FOR."

17.) OFFERING by THIRD DAY - Such awesome lyrics (yet another reason why Offerings II is my most worn-out CD)

Magnificent Holy Father
I stand in awe of all I see
Of all the things You have created
But still You choose to think of me

Who am I that You should suffer
Your very life to set me free
The only thing that I can give You
Is the life You gave to me

This is my offering, dear Lord
This is my offering to You, God
And I will give You my life
For it’s all I have to give
Because You gave Your life for me

I stand before You at this altar
So many have given You more
I may not have much I can offer
Yet what I have is truly Yours

This is my offering

18.) YOU'RE GRACE STILL AMAZES ME by PHILLIPS, CRAIG, & DEAN - This song was sung by two guys from my church during last year and this year along w/a presentation of clips from the PASSION. It was shown to the teens and then the church then a card w/everybody's name was driven into a wooden cross by nails...a powerful reminder of God's overwhelming grace

19.) LOVE SONG by THIRD DAY - A Song from Christ's perspective of his love for us who were so undeserving.
"I know that you don't understand
the fullness of My love
How I died upon the cross for your sins
And I know that you don't realize
how much that I gave you
But I promise, I would do it all again.

Just to be with you, I've done everything
There's no price I did not pay
Just to be with you, I gave everything
Yes, I gave my life away."

20.) ALL THE HEAVENS by THIRD DAY - Once again, and I'm sorry, but the words are way too good for me not to have them.

As Your children gather in peace
All the angels sing in Heaven
In Your temple all that I seek
Is to glimpse Your holy presence

All the heavens cannot hold You, Lord
How much less to dwell in me?
I can only make my one desire
Holding on to Thee

All the angels exalt You on high
What a kingdom to depart!
But You left Your throne in the sky
Just to live inside my heart

I will always make my one desire
Holding on to Thee

21.) EVERYBODY LOVES A NUT by JOHNNY CASH - Well, I had to add something my Johnny, and this one's a little less known. But oh my goodness, isn't this hilarious and reminds me of what the world should think of me as a Christian (a "Jesus" nut).

22.) THIS SIDE by NICKEL CREEK - love Nickel Creek and they're so talented...preface that I "love their earlier style".

23.) AINT THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD by DEAN MARTIN - undeniably the crooners and he's my favorite.

24.) THAT'S LIFE by FRANK SINATRA - 'ol blue eyes...I don't care for the message in some of his songs, but it reminded me of the hope I have in Christ can bring me past the problems of this world greater than any self-help guru or psychological motivation.

25.) QUANDO, QUANDO, QUANDO by MICHAEL BUBLE - in the nature of Deano and Franky, Buble is quickly establishing himself as the crooner for a new the duet as well.

26.) NOT TOO LATE by NORAH JONES - love Norah Jones...don't know why really, maybe its the smoky, sultry voice combined w/the piano. I like the following line: "I've seen people try to change,/And I know it isn't easy,/But nothin' worth the time never really is." Reminds me that its personally never too late to change or to continually hold others in prayer that I might humanly consider it too late for.

Desiring God Sale (Today and Tomorrow)

I'm not usually a sounding board for for "too good it can't be true", but you just can't pass this up (because it is true). If you haven't heard yet, Desiring God is offering all books, bibles, study guides for only $5. Today (June 27th) and Tomorrow (June 28th) only though so hurry. It is worth it believe me. Even if you own several or all of Piper's books, then given some away to others. What better gift for a birthday or preemptive Christmas gift than a little Desiring God

My personal favorites are Future Grace, God's Passion for His Glory, Dangerous Duty of Delight, and Let the Nations Be Glad. You don't have to sign up for anything and supplies are unlimited...really, don't take my word for it b/c its all over the website. So check out Desiring God under the blog heading for the #5 sale only for the next two days.

Seeking God in Worship

Read Bob Kauflin's recent blog updated yesterday on our part in worship. A good explanation of the balance there should be in corporate worship.

Also noted is a song written by Bob Kauflin that is quickly becoming a favorite:

Your glorious cause, O God, engages our hearts
May Jesus Christ be known wherever we are
We ask not for ourselves, but for your renown
The cross has saved us so we pray
Your kingdom come

Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
So that everyone might know Your Name
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth
Till Your sovereign work on earth is done
Let Your kingdom come

Give us Your strength, O God, and courage to speak
Perform Your wondrous deeds through those who are weak
Lord use us as You want, whatever the test
By grace we’ll preach Your gospel till
Our dying breath

Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
So that everyone might know Your Name
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth
Till Your sovereign work on earth is done
Let Your kingdom come

Recognition of Christ's glorification in our weakness.

The past couple of weeks have brought a familiar passages to mind and in my study:
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body" (Rom. 8:18-23).
Oh, how I wish to be delivered from the body of this rid myself of pride, bitterness, anger, laziness, lust, improper motives, selfishness, and numerous other vices. But the more I want to be delivered, I see my focus inclining on how I can fix or better my situation while losing focus on the only one who gives proper perspective. Why am I put in this flesh when all my spirit wants is to be with Him? My body almost seems to literally groan within me to be free. So, as Paul puts it or suffering is to evoke greater passion for God and the glory which will be revealed at some preordained date not for me to reflect on the actual glorification in me, but for the all-satisfying source to be glorified even more.

As well in 2 Corinthians, Paul receiving direct revelation of the Spirit (and for our further edification) was brought to the astonishing realization in chapter 12 about suffering (whether physical or other). In verses 9:10, God tells Paul " ' My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reporaches, in needs, in persectuions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong." I've been struggling with this and I even quoted it a few times this week when people approached me about something I've been physically dealing with recently. Did I believe it though? That my weakness is meant to further exalt my Creator and sustainer. To my chagrin, I can not say that was my reasoning. It was to cause others feel pity or to make my struggle/infirmity seem less drastic to myself. After further reflection today and humiliation over my selfishness, I can truly sat that He is further exalted by every ounce of weakness in me because it pronounces to all that He is worthy to be trusted in. So, when a struggle is brought, there is no greater realization than Christ's greater magnification through our utter dependency on Him.

New Attitude '07: Humble Orthodoxy

This past Memorial Day Weekend, I had the pleasure along with 5 members of Grace Bible in Philly to attend the New Attitude: Humble Orthodoxy Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. We headed down Friday night for to register and attend the first session on Discernment by Josh Harris, pastor of Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland. So, the topic was discernment...not sure what to expect from the conference as a whole or from each speaker, but I knew God had strategically placed each man to unpack the Scripture in an expositional, well-versed manner. I want to give a brief recap though you can listen to each of the messages at the website which the people at New Attitude (Sovereign Grace) have so graciously provided free of charge. On the website you can also check the live blogs, daily messages, photos, etc.

As directed in our community/family groups which we met in (groups of 10 or so) each morning for prayer/worship/application, I boiled down in a nutshell the conference: "Knowing and Applying Truth for the Glory of God and Exultation of the gospel."

So, I'll do my best to reduce my thoughts on each message to that "irreducible minimum". Beginning with Harris' Discernment message: Why should one examine discernment? 1.) Discernment is not so cut and dry & 2.) It is a matter of life and death. God's glory is at stake. We have to ask for it, study God's Word to gain it, and follow it. This requires 1.) resistance to a godless/materialistic view of life, 2.) a Renewal that is constant and on-going based on God's truth, and 3.) Action required b/c of a response to the gospel.

Good introduction to the idea of discernment from a man who I've come to respect especially his humility after having coffee with him on Sunday morning (interesting story...the ninjas were responsible), and I would recommend his latest book "Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of God" especially Chapter 5 on the ten steps to choosing a church.

Well, I'll be adding more as the days unfold and as I have time...Dever's message Sunday morning on Discerning our Doctrine was as Eric Simmons stated "a firehose" type message. A concise, to the point message that was packed with content...never prolonging a point to redundancy. Basic idea from his message was discerning primary (essential) and secondary (non-essential) doctrines. He used a 4-fold test for determining primary doctrines: 1.) How clear is it in Scripture, then 2.) How clear do others think it is in Scripture, then ow near is it (or its implications) to the gospel, and finally 4.) what would the effects be doctrinally if disagreement were to take place. So essentially, God (one and triune), the Bible (inspired and God-revealed), and the gospel (incarnation and atonement) are our common points. He stated that "disagreement is okay as long as they can not be distracted by those disagreements" and disagreeing well involved honoring the other party in love, listening humbly, and partaking in open dialogue. So, in a nutshell: "In essentials (primary doctrines): unity, in non-essentials (secondary doctrines): diversity, and in all things: love"!!

As you can tell it was a challenging conference. The call was to listen to truth (whether sung or preached), allow it to impact your life, and progress in sanctification (in spite of opposition) by following truth. I'll have to share more because time escapes me. But if you've made it this far, Praise be to God for his boundless grace and mercy in showing me truth in a manifold perspective.


Tonight at Bible study we went over Proverbs 3:1-12, focusing on verse 5 & 6. I'm becoming more aware of certain ideas presented and how they affect my relationship with God. "Trusting" or dependence on God "with all my heart" is this believing that He is able to do what he wills, that He is also wise and good, according to his promise, to do what is best for us/me, if we love him, and serve him. Its not a reliance on anything that I am able to do or resting on myself as a failsafe when God doesn't come through for me...its leaning on his understanding that he knows what's best for me. Next, if I'm "in all ways acknowledging him" that means when times are good or favorable I should be praising and thanking Him for who He is and his goodness/blessing...when times are uncomfortable or difficult, I should be submissive to His understanding not my own and acknowledging his direction and control of situations far more vast than I can comprehend. And He promises to "direct my path" if this is true in my life. I remember the Nland picture and the phrase "God never promised an easy path"...that's true...but he did promise to be there and to guide and to strengthen. The only question is am I relying on the all-satisfying fountain of his grace for His glory and my good...or am I frustrated b/c things are happening as I think they should. I've noticed this with Israel as well...they complained and dejected and blasphemed and turned to other gods, but God always brought them back and when they did, he guided them in the path they should go either by prophetic utterance or pillar of cloud/fire. Trusting is a moment by moment understanding that He knows what's best and I need to just follow...its not about running ahead or stopping to contemplate alternate routes, but walking in that relationship daily to fulfill every need.
So, I'm administering my last standardized test today...and while I have the free time I'll blog while sipping my Wawa coffee. Counting today, there are 39 more school days until June 5th...which is bringing me closer to the realization that I need to get a job soon for the summer. It also, as well as last year at this time, brings me to a place where I have to look back in retrospect at the past year to the path God has brought me down and how I've progressed as a Christian and a teacher (hopefully I've been able to do both). I'm realizing that I have more time to work on things relating to school, but not as much prep. is needed for my classes at the, I've been reading and researching a lot more. My creative juices seem to be flowing more lately w/ways to incorporate better teaching methods, visual aids, and ways to incorporate more non-linear thinking & discussions. Which brings me to an idea (though not new) to brainstorming w/other Christian school teachers that happen by this site: What methods have worked for you? What are you finding in your subject/topic is most profitable or valuable to your students? How have you incorporated Biblical life principles into seemingly destitute subject matter? I think this would be an interesting and profitable discussion for all those who are part of shaping young minds. Well, time escapes me but I want to leave with a parting verse...Ps. 2:11-12, "Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son, let he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him." See Piper's comments on it for further elaboration.

The view from the driver's seat

Why? Why are you still here with me?
Didn’t you see what I’ve done?
In my shame I want to run,
And hide myself.
God it’s here I see the truth,
I don’t deserve you.

But I need you to love me,
And I, I won’t keep my heart from you this time.
And I’ll stop this pretending that I can,
Somehow deserve what I already have
I need you to love me

I, I have wasted so much time
Pushing you away from me.
I just never saw how you
Could cherish me.

Cause you’re a God who has all things,
And still you want me.

And I need you to love me,
And I, I won’t keep my heart from you this time.
And I’ll stop this pretending that I can,
Somehow deserve what I already have

Your love makes me forget what I have been.
Your love makes me see who I really am.
Your love makes me forget what I have been.

WIth the words to this song running through my head as they flow from my radio...I've been broadsided by two thoughts. For so long I've been doing this to God...trying to deserve what I already have like some sort of penance to achieve his acceptance when I already have it. Second, I've been behind the driver's seat for too long. As the snow (yes snow), spirals down to glance off my windshield to await its next vehicular victim, I see the view from my driver's seat...
and figuratively and literally, I don't like it. I've made a mess of what God has given to me. I've tried to handle things on my own while forgetting that the all-surpassing joy that I have sought is waiting to actually be tapped into. As corny as it may seem and as horribly done as the movie was...this past weekend, a movie helped to smack a little perspective into me...with its living in the "now" and being "who you are", post-modern, new-age philosophical mumbo-jumbo. I wasn't completely turned away, but meditated on how this idea of redeeming the time, as Paul speaks so passionately to the people of Ephesus about, has been lost in my own life. Confounded by this idea, I sought out to find out further...John Wesley's notes on Ephesians say

"With all possible care redeeming the time - Saving all you can for the best purposes; buying every possible moment out of the hands of sin and Satan; out of the hands of sloth, ease, pleasure, worldly business; the more diligently, because the present are evil days, days of the grossest ignorance, immorality, and profaneness."

While Matthew Henry expounds with,

"Time is a talent given us by God, and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to his design. If we have lost our time heretofore, we must double our diligence for the future. Of that time which thousands on a dying bed would gladly redeem at the price of the whole world, how little do men think, and to what trifles they daily sacrifice it! People are very apt to complain of bad times; it were well if that stirred them more to redeem time. Be not unwise. Ignorance of our duty, and neglect of our souls, show the greatest folly.....When afflicted or weary, let us not seek to raise our spirits by strong drink, which is hateful and hurtful, and only ends in making sorrows more felt. But by fervent prayer let us seek to be filled with the Spirit, and to avoid whatever may grieve our gracious Comforter. All God's people have reason to sing for joy. Though we are not always singing, we should be always giving thanks; we should never want disposition for this duty, as we never want matter for it, through the whole course of our lives. Always, even in trials and afflictions, and for all things; being satisfied of their loving intent, and good tendency. God keeps believers from sinning against him, and engages them to submit one to another in all he has commanded, to promote his glory, and to fulfil their duties to each other."

Another translation, says "buy up your opportunities b/c we live in evil times"...with the limited time I do have, do I really want to spend it trying to tell God how my life is going to plan out...where I want to be in 5, 10, 20 years....where I see Him sending me and now He's got to act in accordance with my desires/will. So, what if I end up in the Pacific Northwest in the next few years or in a coffeeshop in Istanbul...God should be leading, directing, and guiding, but I've been so busy driving and not sitting in the back looking at the map or even looking out the window at the view. After all this inner turmoil in the past week, I've asked God to redirect my focus to its all-satisfying source, to give me a passion again for Him and people, to not dwell on my future but cherish each moment now as precious and valuable, to not live as if I'm paying him back for something he's already the song again rushes through my head through ear phones and filters into every recess of my heart...

God it’s here I see the truth,
I don’t deserve you.

But I need you to love me,
And I, I won’t keep my heart from you this time.
And I’ll stop this pretending that I can,
Somehow deserve what I already have

Your love makes me forget what I have been.
Your love makes me see who I really am.
Your love makes me forget what I have been.
A tear wells up in my eye as I reflect on the past 5 months of basketball...I can't believe seems like yesterday Tim, Ted, Josh, and I were beginning practices with a new motion offense, new zone defenses, full-court presses hoping that all would work...praying it wouldn't come back to bite us. Well, 5 months later and a 21-3 record, 7-0 in regular season conference play, ACCAC champs, KCEA champs...maybe all the changes did work or maybe it was just the talent we were working with....who knows, I added some pics to show a little bit of our journey this year.

Warrior Coach Hampton rallies the troops...actually, I just liked the pic.

Halftime at Home (Jam the Gym night)

A couple of pics from the "Jam the Gym" night against Faith Christian...WNPV 1440AM broadcast the game which you can hear. The other pic is of TJ shooting another free-throw which he shot a lot of that night.

On Feb 9-10, we won the ACCAC league tourney by beating Faith and High Point...

The girls won as well, and a front page article was put in the sports section of the North Penn Reporter.

A couple of weeks ago we won the KCEA tournament at Valley Forge by 31 and 40 respectively...well at least next year being in the PIAA we'll have more competition. Our complete season (wins/losses) can be viewed at

So, what do I know do with all my time... Well, I'm reading more and am currently in the middle of John Berendt's "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" as well as Donald Miller's "Searching For God Knows What"...interesting mix I, if I fully endorse each book, by week's end I'll be drinking beer at a party in Savannah, GA while mixing it up Southern socialites trying to share my way of Christianity...not on my list of things to do...Though, I wouldn't mind visiting Sherman's Christmas gift.

Anyway, maybe I'll be more active...last night I went to bed around 7pm...didn't mean to. Got up to make pancakes and am expecting a new dryer any time now! Good times!! Grading a test on the "Roaring Twenties" today. Currently, I'm teaching on Islands of Oceania (Fiji, Hawaii, Solomon Islands, New Zealand,etc.), The Missouri Compromise (a major cause for the Civil least in my estimation), I&II Timothy (qualifications of a Pastor...yeh, try that with 7th & 8th graders...they get it though and find it interesting...go figure), The French Revolution (Viva la "Give me a Break"...the French are always changing their minds and the twenty years during the late 18th-early 19th centuries are their heyday of indecisiveness), and the Stock Market Crash (speculation, short selling, buying on the margin, and a whole lot of that is ;)...)

Looking forward to spring forward tonight, selection sunday, and these next few weeks of unlimited college basketball bliss...let the madness of march the way, my blog will remain these colors until Indiana loses in the tournament...bring on the Georgia Dome...GO HOOSIERS!!!

A Week off and National Leadership Conference

Well, I'm officially starting my week off..since yesterday was a National holiday (it doesn't really count). You may ask, how am I spending my week away from teaching? Well, I'm spending the better part of my day (4-11pm) making runs to and from the airport picking up speakers/guests for the NLC at Calvary. Tomorrow, I'll try to hit a few of the general sessions/workshops...maybe Dr. Tuttle's (American Patriotism and World Evangelism) , Dr. Huss's (John's Prologue Unpacked: Avoiding teh Liberal and Conservative Christological Heresies), or Dr. Bauder's (Very God of Very God: Begotten, Not Made; Historical Expressions of the Deity of Christ)....who knows? I've also got to transport a few hundred pretzels for the NLC...all in a day's work. Thursday, the same (general sessions/workshops...especially, the 2pm one...), bbal practice @Bucks at 5:30 (last one of the year...tear :(, and try to make it back for Bible study. Friday, got a couple of return airport runs in the afternoon then KCEA Basketball Tournament @ Valley Forge at 8pm then I'm taking a few of the bball guys back to stay over until the tourney games in the afternoon...sleep in, eat pancakes, watch Hoosiers (if there was a better game to watch before a state championship game..I think not). After the tournament, I'll be heading to Camp for Singles Winter Weekend until Sunday afternoon then CBI on Sunday night @, even though its a week off...its kind of least I get to sleep in and I'll be posting more as I can...thoughts on the Conference...comments on the tourney...girls phone #'s I got at the winter weekend (j/k...stephen & sarah don't get your hopes up). Alright, I better go to clean out my car and get it prepped for airport runs.

So, in the Spirit of NLC...unity in a pluralistic world & also in reference to situations
God is bringing into my path this week may we echo Christ's statements in our lives...

John 17:11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the
world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of
your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.

John 17:21-23 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in
you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have
sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as
we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let
the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved


February 4, 2007...what a marvelous day for Indiana sports. The Indianapolis Colts defeated the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XLI to win their first NFL Championship since moving to Indianapolis in 1984. Congrats to Coach Dungy, Peyton Manning, Marvin Harrison, the rest of the team, and the city of Indianapolis for a great run & for bring home a championship. I still can't believe it really happened...until next February the Indianapolis Colts are the World Champs...that's pretty awesome. What was even more awesome were the statements by Coach Dungy and Owner Jim Irsay that credited God for not just the success but for the journey he took them on and continues to take them on as Christians...kinda cool. I actually was reading an article from the IndyStar in Monday's paper about how coaches (like Dungy) need to separate their religion from football and stick to X's and O's. I second the replies that others have brought to the table and include it as a link that Christianity is and should never be a private is a relationship more public than any other...we can't divorce someone's faith from their personal life. If America tries to remove the faith from all public avenues, what do we have left? As Christians, I'm persuaded that we are not to shove religion down anybody's throat, but should literally ooze out Christ so others would see something different and distinctly beautiful in us...Christ is life...even in football. Good job Colts and Coach Dungy! Continue to proclaim your faith from every platform you have (even makeshift ones in Miami).

Snow and a little update

Well, I have a day set aside now b/c of inclement weather to give a little update and hopefully keep more in touch with those few who actually view this blog. No School today b/c of snow/freezing rain...they've been giving us false hope for the past few weeks...and by "they", I mean the weatherman in the Philly area. They build up our anticipation all week just to dash our hopes and dreams with nothing. Sometimes they give us a 2-hr. delay (which we had 3 so far this year)...guess its better than nothing. So far, I've used this day to strengthen my vocabulary, grab a few hrs. more sleep, read (a few hrs. so far), catch up on all my favorite soap operas (yeah right), and blog. So, I'll be adding more than just a picture soon b/c a lot has happened in the month I've been away and beside the updates I really need to muse a little more. The picture's not that great, but you get the point

Junior High Winter Weekend

One thing I realized this weekend is that getting older or more out of shape...actually, I'm pretty sure its both. This weekend, I helped counsel at Calvary's JH winter weekend. It was pretty crazy went like this: got there friday night during the service (after varsity lehigh game), ran w/jh'ers during the manhunt activity (shortness of breath)...tried to coax them to sleep (got about 6hrs...felt like 2). Saturday: meals, services, more running activities (slight coronary embolism), counselor time (basketball in activity center = cramping and loss of leg mobility), football afterwards (chronic hyperventilation with bouts of muscle tension and inflamed wheezing). Sunday: meals, service, more football (increased hypertension and continual cramping). So, all in all an exciting yet tiring weekend.

Derek (my housemate) and I had the 7th grade guys in our cabin for the weekend...good times...some of them still need to take Showering 101, but all in all were pretty responsive during the week. Got to talk to a couple one on one about personal situations and struggles and even during devotional/God and I time, Derek and I got some good feedback from the guys....they know the right answers for the most part now its up to God to work in their lives to produce the right results.

A couple of pics from camp...flour dodgeball & sharon tug (before limbs were ripped off).

Also, here's a video from Winter weekend & I have to give some background....A couple of months ago, I let it slip out to a couple of 8th grade guys that I used to play Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis about 9-10 years 8th graders, they ran with it & were determined to play it for me at Winter weekend along with dancing...I had to get a video.

This past week.

This past week was as expected pretty hectic. Besides the normal business of a high school teacher, extracurriculars were more than usual this week. I did have some help though b/c my cousin Justin had to fulfill his history ed. practicum for Northland, I had an assistant in grading, monitoring, teaching (which he did well in)...I'm going to miss my lackey (as Leslie Nichols affectionately referred to him as). So, from two away basketball games (Upper Bucks & Lehigh Valley..which we both won) to Mid-terms to JH winter was a pretty out of the ordinary routine kind of week and weekend. I'll be adding more info. on these in a bit, but thought I would add a pic. of Saturday's AFC divisional game where the Colts hounded the Baltimore en route to the AFC Championship game...two years ago they made it to this point and lost to none other than the New England Patriots...hopefully this time the result will be different (game time is Sunday at 6:30pm).

New Year...Same God!

I'm amazed that in this past year God has blessed me so much with an amazing position of ministry, great opportunities of mentoring, and a deeper love for Him and His Word. As I think of this new year, I'm praying/thinking for a couple of things. I'm praying that I'm taken out of my comfort zone. I think we as Christians, myself definitely included, take the comfortable way through our day, year, and even life. I want God to work and I want to be shaken, picked up, thrown back down, and torn away from the existence that I've made for myself. It may seem contrary to what is expected b/c nobody wants to go through a struggle or be caught in a dire circumstance. I want that and it may seem odd, but I feel that I've been too comfortable for too long. As I continue to read and study God's word, I'm drawn to passages like the the often-quoted Philippians 4:13...I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me! I want to see my level of security stripped so that only God and I remain. What does this look like...not sure, but Paul sure came to that realization and I want to see that firsthand. I want God to use me...I want Him to be able to use me in spite of my failures and insecurities. In my weakness, a transcendent God must be magnified...This overpowering/all-consuming influence must permeate my very core. Oh, for the God of Abraham, Moses, and Elijah to be evident in my life. I want my students to come to a more mature view of God and His presence. If I'm a part of that, who must and can only be God's working. I want to spend less time, money, physical exertion to making myself happy and more on furthering His kingdom. I want to not waste the time I have been given with frivolous endeavors, fulfilling Paul's mantra to "seek the things...and set my mind on things that are above", to "put to death the deeds of the flesh", to "count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord...that I may gain Christ", to "know him....becoming like him in his death", "to be an imitator of God...and walk in love as Christ loved us", and to in all things "rejoice in the Lord" so that all will see Him and not me. So, this same God that from eternity past chose me will be glorified whether I live or die. In 2007, may Christ be glorified in my life as I'm removed from my haven of American comfort and given the opportunity to suffer, serve, give, love, rejoice, and to be what He's created me to be.