The Long Night is Over

I continue to praise God for His sustaining grace in my life through this summer. For those who know, I've been working 3rd shift for the past 10 weeks at a fiber-manufacturing plant. I took the job to give me extra income for the summer to pay off bills, save some, take a trip or two w/friends, and I thank God for that.

What I never expected was the physical anguish that I would have to endure while working there. I know it may seem like nothing, but to me it was all I could do (and drenched in God's grace) to keep myself from not quittting almost every night. I have severe foot pain b/c of flat feet that I've never had significant problems with, but working 8hrs. straight on concrete really takes its toll. It got so bad there were days I had to call off work b/c I couldn't walk down the stairs.

Well, by God's providential design he directed me to an amazing podiatrist who helped with drugs (oh, sweet pills), new insoles, and a great running store for shoes that are designed to help. Crazy thing is he said my feet are a little spastic so gotta go back in a few weeks w/x-rays to see if he's right. Another little tidbit of extra goodness, my primary physician along w/spending 2minutes in the exam room looked at my feet and said "wow, those are flat" then proceeded to tell me that I've got high blood God's working again, He helped curb another issue while I was so focused on something else.

All that to say God is great, and His grace has sustained in spite of my weakness. I look at this and say how miniscule this in when others are suffering from debilitating/life-threatening diseases or devastating poverty. The amazing thing is the God who is concerned for the suffering looks at me w/that same gracious gaze.

Driving on my way to work, psyched about my last night (btw not smart to take a flash pic while driving)

Here was my work area for the last 10 weeks winding reels of fiber onto other reels...exciting.


good job, nate! way to finish the job;) Steve would also like me to tell you that you have a monkey on your face;)

Thanks, and tell Stephen that I know he's jealous and that I will be praying for him to confess it. Let him know that I'm here to talk when he's ready.