Sometimes a Light Suprises

"Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's;
he makes me tread on my high places." Habakkuk 3:17-19

I come back to this verse that I wrote on a couple of months ago. At the time, I was wrestling through some doubts, fears, despairing thoughts, and disillusions. I'm glad that God takes me through valleys of sorrow to bring me to rivers of joy (thank you JoC).

It's good to be reminded of where you were, and the rest you could find when the vines were fruitless and the fields were fallow. I trust in God not because the blessing is evident, but because the Blesser is ever-present. It's good to be reminded of God's grace and evident mercy when the blessing is evident. I don't want to forget that as well and pray the Spirit continues to make that evident.

When I think of the happenings of the past 6 days...I'm blown away by God's reminder of blessing. He has been and always will be the giver of all good gifts. I'm pretty thankful for the good gift that He's brought back into my life recently. Many of my pining and questioning entries over the last 4 months have been my heart's pull toward this person, and I couldn't be more excited that God has renewed that relationship as if we hadn't skipped a beat and cultivating it to glorify Him as the source of all joy.

This song by Indelible Grace has been ringing in my ears/heart all day, and the basic message reminds me primarily of how the shining light of God into the Christian's heart which jolts the senses, awakens the eyes, and rejuvenates the affections...what's been dead has been resuscitated to new life. When I think of it, it also reminds me of that relationship recently brought back to life..."Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while he sings, It is the Lord who rises with healing in His wings, When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again; A season of clear shining, to cheer it after the rain... Yet, God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice; For, while in Him confiding, I cannot but rejoice."

I love it...enjoy!

Sometimes a light surprises
The Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord who rises
With healing in His wings:
When comforts are declining,
He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining,
To cheer it after the rain.

In holy contemplation
We sweetly then pursue
The theme of God's salvation,
And find it ever new;
Set free from present sorrow,
We cheerfully can say,
Let the unknown tomorrow
Bring with it what it may.

Tomorrow can bring us nothing,
But He will bear us through:
Who gives the lilies clothing
Will clothe His people, too:
Beneath the spreading heavens
No creature but is fed;
And He Who feeds the ravens
Will give His children bread.

Though vine nor fig tree neither
Their wonted fruit should bear,
Though all the fields should wither,
Nor flocks or herds be there
Yet, God the same abiding,
His praise shall tune my voice;
For, while in Him confiding,
I cannot but rejoice.