Countdown to Good Friday - Part Tres (Being the Gospel)

Being the gospel...what does that look like on a Tuesday evening? What does it mean to love in word and deed during the Passion week? What does it mean to share and what constitutes a successful gospel conversation?

I could rack my brain about what that looks like, but I was reminded today that it's just being with people and sharing what's everything to me. When people ask what I do or who I am, I should echo Peter's exhortation to
"in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander."(1 Peter 3:15-16)
I can't handle people's perceptions but be faithful to what God is calling me to do. I love that people starts vs.15 by saying "in your hearts revere Christ as Lord". That's really it isn't it? If I'm not seeing Christ as Lord, I'm viewing something else as more important like people's perception of me. If I'm viewing my status as more important, I'm degrading the deity of Christ. But on the other hand if I'm with Peter and revering Christ as Lord in my heart then I'm not afraid to answer everyone who asks me about why I have hope in Christ.

I was reminded of that today when I was at Six Flags. I know...grad school is great because you get to pick your own ideas for field trips and take them! So, I had a few opportunities which I'm grateful for to share a little about this great hope that I have in me. To give reason for why I'm in Philly, why I'm in education, why I believe what I believe to 3 other classmates who were confined in a car during an hour-long trip...God is sovereign for these little opportunities to make Him great. Talking about sports and class stuff is great, but if I don't take those opportunities when they come then I'm saying Christ isn't Lord, that He isn't enough to take away their sin, and they don't need Him when they desperately do. Thank God for unsquandered opportunities.

Thank God for great coffee too and great conversation. One of my favorite new spots in the city is Mugshots in Fairmount Park across from Eastern State Penitentiary. They have a great selection of drinks and an array of organic, free-range chicken/turkey wraps, and homemade items. Seriously, I recommend the Capone wrap or original bagel with homemade veggie cream cheese w/a vanilla latte...divine! Loved getting to talk to other believers who came in tonight to have a bible study/resource night in seeing how they are perceived in the community and how they are reaching out. Great to see others having similar visions for their part of the city.

Another couple of good songs...take a listen!

He is Jesus (one of my all-time favs...He's a treasure surpassing all others and worthy to be shared with all!)

Made Us Alive (another Village Church one that's a great reminder of who we now are in Christ because of what He did for us!)