Fresh Affection Broods in an Evening Run.

Halfway through my 2.5 mile run tonight on the all to familiar loop around my house, the rain starts. Providentially, my earbuds start ringing out "What can wash away my sin? Only the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Only the blood of Jesus. Nothing can for sin atone. Only the blood of Jesus. Nothing good that I have done. Only the blood of Jesus. Oh Great God. Blessed Redeemer. Merciful Savior You are. Oh Great God. King of Creation. Hope of the Nations You are. This is all my hope and peace. Only the blood of Jesus. This is all my righteousness. Only the blood of Jesus."

As the rain falls around me like a wave rushing the shore, a fresh awareness of grace engulfs me. As the beat resounds in my ear while methodically my feet plod the pavement, my heart starts beating rapidly with a renewed vigor. God has a great purpose. For his kingdom, for the world, for this city, for me, and I'm here in this city and on this block because God providentially designed it for his glory and my good. Ian preached it this morning, but the realization didn't resonate until a few minutes ago. To reach the unreached, to live life where I'm at, and be/share the gospel with those around me...God is glorified in the going of his disciples whether or not anybody receives the message. Much to ponder, much to chew on and digest, a greater mission to respond to, and a great God to make much of.