A tear wells up in my eye as I reflect on the past 5 months of basketball...I can't believe it...it seems like yesterday Tim, Ted, Josh, and I were beginning practices with a new motion offense, new zone defenses, full-court presses hoping that all would work...praying it wouldn't come back to bite us. Well, 5 months later and a 21-3 record, 7-0 in regular season conference play, ACCAC champs, KCEA champs...maybe all the changes did work or maybe it was just the talent we were working with....who knows, I added some pics to show a little bit of our journey this year.

Warrior Huddle...as Coach Hampton rallies the troops...actually, I just liked the pic.

Halftime at Home (Jam the Gym night)

A couple of pics from the "Jam the Gym" night against Faith Christian...WNPV 1440AM broadcast the game which you can hear. The other pic is of TJ shooting another free-throw which he shot a lot of that night.

On Feb 9-10, we won the ACCAC league tourney by beating Faith and High Point...

The girls won as well, and a front page article was put in the sports section of the North Penn Reporter.

A couple of weeks ago we won the KCEA tournament at Valley Forge by 31 and 40 respectively...well at least next year being in the PIAA we'll have more competition. Our complete season (wins/losses) can be viewed at Philly.com.

So, what do I know do with all my time... Well, I'm reading more and am currently in the middle of John Berendt's "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" as well as Donald Miller's "Searching For God Knows What"...interesting mix I know...so, if I fully endorse each book, by week's end I'll be drinking beer at a party in Savannah, GA while mixing it up Southern socialites trying to share my way of Christianity...not on my list of things to do...Though, I wouldn't mind visiting Sherman's Christmas gift.

Anyway, maybe I'll be more active...last night I went to bed around 7pm...didn't mean to. Got up to make pancakes and am expecting a new dryer any time now! Good times!! Grading a test on the "Roaring Twenties" today. Currently, I'm teaching on Islands of Oceania (Fiji, Hawaii, Solomon Islands, New Zealand,etc.), The Missouri Compromise (a major cause for the Civil War...at least in my estimation), I&II Timothy (qualifications of a Pastor...yeh, try that with 7th & 8th graders...they get it though and find it interesting...go figure), The French Revolution (Viva la "Give me a Break"...the French are always changing their minds and the twenty years during the late 18th-early 19th centuries are their heyday of indecisiveness), and the Stock Market Crash (speculation, short selling, buying on the margin, and a whole lot of bull....markets that is ;)...)

Looking forward to spring forward tonight, selection sunday, and these next few weeks of unlimited college basketball bliss...let the madness of march commence...by the way, my blog will remain these colors until Indiana loses in the tournament...bring on the Georgia Dome...GO HOOSIERS!!!


Let me be the first to commend you on FINALLY updating your blog! ;-) Jaime just told me she's sending over her dryer - funny! ;-)... have a great weekend!! See you REAL soon!!!