New Playlist

Music is a great outlet to praise God for who He is and magnifying His great works. I take this seriously and pray that by this next entry as well as the music portrayed you will see a greater reflection of God as He shows Himself off.

Recently, I added a playlist to my blog (per the resourcefulness and ingenuity of my sis-in-law (thanks Sarah). I thought I would present my reasoning behind each...generally, to glorify my God and Savior with some lightheartedness as well. I know they're a lot of songs here, but I could seem to let any go (If you do listen to one listen to #8)

1.) BELOVED by DEREK WEBB - What a reminder as Christ's beloved!!! We so want to live under laws and restrictions rather than free as Christ has made us:

"beloved there is nothing more
no more blessings and no more rewards
than the treasure of my body and blood
given freely to all daughters and sons"

2.) YEARN by SHANE & SHANE - one of my favorite songs ever b/c its my heart's desire. Also hearing the passion in the voices and b/c of lyrics like this "You give life and breath/through Him You give all things/in Him we live and move/THAT'S WHY I SING!

3.) IMAGO by SHAWN MCDONALD - a little flaminco flare on the guitar (which I love) that kind of makes you feel like you're in a stadium watching the bull/matador standoff. "Imago" means maturity and something that I'm striving for in my relationship w/God.

4.) ENOUGH by Chris Tomlin - My God and Savior is MORE THAN ENOUGH...enough said.

5.) PRAISE YOU IN THIS STORM by CASTING CROWNS - God never promised to rid our lives of every trial and obstacle, but promised He'd be there. What greater reason to pray and trust when we can't see the end, but know the one who's already written it.

6.) A NEW LAW by DEREK WEBB - The thing I love about Derek Webb is his desire to see the body grow and to not always put it in palatable terms. As Christians, we want the easy answers or the "easy" way around something w/o wrestling through the situation/issue (even seeming contradictions in Scripture). I've seen this w/my students when they're expressions yell just give us the answer (or sometimes they actually say it), but don't want to take the time to learn something for themselves.

7.) WEDDING DRESS by DEREK WEBB - If you haven't figured out...I love Derek Webb. What a message: "I am a whore I do confess/But I put you on just like a wedding dress/and I run down the aisle, and I run down the aisle/I'm a prodigal with no way home/but I put you on just like a ring of gold/and I run down the aisle to you" I hate the phrase "saved by the skin of my teeth" b/c we in no way are if we've been impacted by grace, God's grace. I don't think this song is saying that, but that we're as Gomer did whoring around w/materialism, backbiting, dissension, the trappings of culture while Hosea waits patiently. Christ has called us to Himself, and we are His bride awaiting the wedding day, but are we squandering His grace by fulfilling every other pursuit except for Him (this song speaks on so many levels of my own life),

8.) I WILL LIFT MY EYES by BEBO NORMAN - IF YOU'VE MADE IT THIS FAR, YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS SONG!!!! Although most of these you could call favorites, this is the most recent one that I play over and over and over.

9.) NOTHING WITHOUT YOU by BEBO NORMAN - communicating my hearts cry once again. Its Romans 3 combined w/so many of the Psalms...we're nothing w/o Christ, but in reflection of that I will glorify Him by showing the world I'm nothing

10.) BE NEAR by SHANE & SHANE - what better than to rest in the closeness of an almighty God that desires to be near to us!!

11.) OUR GREAT GOD by FERNANDO ORTEGA - Fernando Ortega has a great grasp on God and in using scripture w/his music to portray it. HALLELUJAH to our great God...oh what eternity will be like praising you forever.

12.) GIVE ME JESUS by FERNANDO ORTEGA - not sure who the other guys are (maybe the authors), but Fernando is singing here and echoing my life's prayer until I leave this earthen vessel to have more of Him.

13.) WHEN GOD RAN by PHILLIPS, CRAIG, & DEAN - My eyes are welling up again as I listen to it...what grace by an almighty, omnipotent, awesome God. First heard this back at Northern Park in Greenwood, IN, and it remains a favorite reminder of my great God's love

14.) SHINE ON US by PHILLIPS, CRAIG, & DEAN - Reminds me of a Piper message that I listened again to earlier this week "Oh, that I may fall deeper into debt to grace". More grace dripping from ever part of us...we need more grace each day to sustain us.

15.) THE EVERLASTING by THIRD DAY - Because of lines like these, I love this song (its sweating truth):
"Through the raging of the seas
The hills proclaim Your majesty
All these things created for
The glorifying of the Lord
We praise Your name forevermore"

16.) WONDERFUL, MERCIFUL SAVIOUR by SELAH - I remember first hearing Selah at a concert back in '98 when they came to Greenwood with Third Day. I know P,C,&D sing it, but I love the rendition I heard it first from. I'm glad to see songs like this one picked up by Calvary and other churches that I've been to. "YOU ARE THE ONE OUR HEARTS ALWAYS HUNGER FOR."

17.) OFFERING by THIRD DAY - Such awesome lyrics (yet another reason why Offerings II is my most worn-out CD)

Magnificent Holy Father
I stand in awe of all I see
Of all the things You have created
But still You choose to think of me

Who am I that You should suffer
Your very life to set me free
The only thing that I can give You
Is the life You gave to me

This is my offering, dear Lord
This is my offering to You, God
And I will give You my life
For it’s all I have to give
Because You gave Your life for me

I stand before You at this altar
So many have given You more
I may not have much I can offer
Yet what I have is truly Yours

This is my offering

18.) YOU'RE GRACE STILL AMAZES ME by PHILLIPS, CRAIG, & DEAN - This song was sung by two guys from my church during last year and this year along w/a presentation of clips from the PASSION. It was shown to the teens and then the church then a card w/everybody's name was driven into a wooden cross by nails...a powerful reminder of God's overwhelming grace

19.) LOVE SONG by THIRD DAY - A Song from Christ's perspective of his love for us who were so undeserving.
"I know that you don't understand
the fullness of My love
How I died upon the cross for your sins
And I know that you don't realize
how much that I gave you
But I promise, I would do it all again.

Just to be with you, I've done everything
There's no price I did not pay
Just to be with you, I gave everything
Yes, I gave my life away."

20.) ALL THE HEAVENS by THIRD DAY - Once again, and I'm sorry, but the words are way too good for me not to have them.

As Your children gather in peace
All the angels sing in Heaven
In Your temple all that I seek
Is to glimpse Your holy presence

All the heavens cannot hold You, Lord
How much less to dwell in me?
I can only make my one desire
Holding on to Thee

All the angels exalt You on high
What a kingdom to depart!
But You left Your throne in the sky
Just to live inside my heart

I will always make my one desire
Holding on to Thee

21.) EVERYBODY LOVES A NUT by JOHNNY CASH - Well, I had to add something my Johnny, and this one's a little less known. But oh my goodness, isn't this hilarious and reminds me of what the world should think of me as a Christian (a "Jesus" nut).

22.) THIS SIDE by NICKEL CREEK - love Nickel Creek and they're so talented...preface that I "love their earlier style".

23.) AINT THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD by DEAN MARTIN - undeniably the crooners and he's my favorite.

24.) THAT'S LIFE by FRANK SINATRA - 'ol blue eyes...I don't care for the message in some of his songs, but it reminded me of the hope I have in Christ can bring me past the problems of this world greater than any self-help guru or psychological motivation.

25.) QUANDO, QUANDO, QUANDO by MICHAEL BUBLE - in the nature of Deano and Franky, Buble is quickly establishing himself as the crooner for a new the duet as well.

26.) NOT TOO LATE by NORAH JONES - love Norah Jones...don't know why really, maybe its the smoky, sultry voice combined w/the piano. I like the following line: "I've seen people try to change,/And I know it isn't easy,/But nothin' worth the time never really is." Reminds me that its personally never too late to change or to continually hold others in prayer that I might humanly consider it too late for.


Great playlist. I'm a big fan of Derek Webb right now, too.

Yeh, He really seems to crystallize many of my thoughts. Noticed you're occupation is "lover"...I'm on my third time reading Shane's book. I'm about 45 minutes from Kensington and the Simple Way, but I never made it out there yet, but I should. Thanks for the comment.

Nice choices! I'm actually just listening to it right now as I fold laundry. I loaned my Offerings II cd to someone in college, and haven't replaced it yet. But it's always been one of my favorites. I hear you were in town the other week - I'm so bummed I didn't know. Let me know next time you come and we'll have you and Steve and Sarah over for dinner.