Desiring God Sale (Today and Tomorrow)

I'm not usually a sounding board for for "too good it can't be true", but you just can't pass this up (because it is true). If you haven't heard yet, Desiring God is offering all books, bibles, study guides for only $5. Today (June 27th) and Tomorrow (June 28th) only though so hurry. It is worth it believe me. Even if you own several or all of Piper's books, then given some away to others. What better gift for a birthday or preemptive Christmas gift than a little Desiring God

My personal favorites are Future Grace, God's Passion for His Glory, Dangerous Duty of Delight, and Let the Nations Be Glad. You don't have to sign up for anything and supplies are unlimited...really, don't take my word for it b/c its all over the website. So check out Desiring God under the blog heading for the #5 sale only for the next two days.