Fresh Perspective

I was talking to a couple of friends this afternoon discussing life, purpose, struggles, and I was reminded again of why God made us relational beings. I need encouragement and fellowship, but I also need a swift kick in the pants sometimes. Today, I received all. As I continue to struggle with where God is placing me as his plans for Philly unfold, He reminded me through a friend's exhortation that my perspective was off completely. I was focusing so much on what's next that I wasn't focusing and serving where I am at now.

I remember a often-used phrase from the president of the college I attended which was
"Be where you are". I haven't been, but I've been coasting where I'm at looking at the lush grass on the other side of the fence...and I'm drooling just thinking about what's next. I know God is moving me to Philly to be closer to Grace and the city, but as I await where He's leading job-wise, I've been getting restless.

So, today was definitely a gentle, yet prodding reminder of His grace that renews every morning to fuel every step, every breath, every word, every motive to glorify Himself through me. I love being reliant on grace to get me through. It's such an encouraging reminder when I start trying to do it all on my own. Thanks be to God for his grace and for godly friends that show their love by admonishing.