A Philly Phriday

Some days are like this. Some weeks are like this. I'd spent the last 3 months substitute teaching at a great school with 5th graders in the morning & Kindergarten/1st graders in the afternoon. I loved these kids from the moment I met them and hated to go when their teacher came back from maternity leave. Some days they were crazy and some days they were angels, but they never ceased to amaze me. Technically, they were in special ed programs, and the word special is definitely underrated. Yea, most struggled with behavioral issues, learning disabilities, autism, intellectual disabilities, etc., but they were/are so much more than that. They were special because they fought to be "normal", persevered in spite of ability, made huge strides in their education, and learned that they could "do it". I miss them all ginormously!!

So, this week was the first week back to day-to-day subbing. I took a day off here, took a couple of half days there, and just took the week easy. I thank God for the flexibility of substitute teaching especially how it works with my grad class schedule. But grad classes are over...so this week was just lovely to relax, go to a coffee shop, watch a movie, read a book (or several), try new places, and meet new people. Some of my favorite new places to hang are BBP in University City with some of the most unique and fantastic burgers I've ever become acquainted with, the Memphis Taproom with it's rotating local on tap list, beer battered pickles (to die for...which is convenient bc they might kill ya), and smoked coconut & tofu club, and the Rocket Cat Cafe which from it's Shepard Fairey external mural, to it's bagels with homemade Apple Maple Ginger Cream Cheese (divine!), to solid coffee, & it's predominantly hipster, urban gentrified clientele...I think I've found a new love in Fishtown!

So, as I was ruminating on these things this morning before spending a half day with a great group of life skills students at the nearby elementary school, I was reminded and overjoyed at God's graciousness to me. I often overlook the moments that I have to just sit and reminisce over his goodness. He's provided affordable housing & transportation, a job that I love more each day, and good health. He's given me great and encouraging roommates, great friends that sharpen me continually, and an amazing body of believers in NE Philly that have truly become my family (away from family). He's blessed me with a great family that I love, would do anything for, and even thought they're far away that we can still be close.

And, if that wasn't enough...God's given me His Son, rescued me from my own self-induced damnation, given me a new heart to serve Him with, reconciled me to Himself, the Creator of the universe, and daily transforming me more and more into the image of His Son...I couldn't ask for more, but to be freshly affected by it and to be drenched in humility to worship Him all the more. So, as I sat in the Rocket Cat this morning...eating my bagel with apple maple ginger cream cheese and slowly sipping on a cup of java, I thanked God...as I wrote, I named ways He's shown Himself lately. As words of praise echoed in my earbuds, I sat in wonder of who He is. As I sat this evening with friends outside...grilling out, watching the Phils (squeak out a close (but authoritative) victory over those lowly Braves), and fellowshipping, I thanked God again for all His good gifts that we don't deserve, but are continually grateful for...He's definitely worthy of our praise!