Beauty in Letting Go...

Beauty in Letting Go

Holding on to much, needing to relinquish my grip
On the things I can't control that grant me service with the lip
Dripping like pools of substance though empty to the draught
In the wind whispering echoes of engagement that come to naught

Seeking in self, falling in fear, drowning in despair
Knowing though not trusting like trying to grasp the air
Loosening grip as the Spirit beckons me come and drink
Life waters given as one leaves it all the brink

Running start, jumping and letting go, falling weightless
The wind rushing past jet streams of savory sweetness
Hands open, palms up, arms outstretched being overtaken
Arms of grace engulf, waves of mercy wash never shaken

Peace found in relinquishing the me that seeks to destroy
That sinking me holding on to self like a child with a toy
The Father's joys are greater to those whose hearts are his
Faith arouses the adopted's affections to resuscitating bliss

Beauty of Letting Go by Green Ordinance initially inspired this post. Honestly, I'd forgotten the song, but the song title had been ringing in my head the past couple of weeks. I love it because I am continually reminded of things that I can't control, but try to often (with disastrous results). God reminded me again how the new life in Him resuscitates the heart when it seems bleakest. Like Aron Ralston, it may take time, but some things need to be let go of. Reading 2 Corinthians 4 the other day just rocked my world. I love verses 16-18 because this passage shows the tendency to despair, the "seeming" reality of bad circumstances, the sanctifying grace in the process, the way to "not lose heart" by looking to the unseen, and the faith demanded by trusting in God is the only faith that's really legitimate. Love these verses...

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.(ESV)

Beauty of Letting Go by Green River Ordinance
Stand outside these city walls
And feel the forces swimming strong
You're bathed in starlight, pulled through ocean tide
It hits you here, tonight and

And you're falling out of all you were
And you're finding out the beauty of letting go

Spend our whole life stuck in alright
Me, I've been there, sung that song before
Don't let your smile turn with the tide
You'll shine again, you're soon to find

That you're falling out of all you were
And you're finding out the beauty of letting go
And you're falling out of all you were
And you're finding out the beauty of letting go

You're waiting for the right time, waiting for the right time
Oh, you're waiting for the right time, waiting for the right time
Oh, you're waiting for the right time, waiting for the right time
Oh, you're waiting for the right time, right time, now

Oh, you're waiting for the right time, stop waiting for the right time
Oh, whoa, you're waiting for the right time, stop waiting for the right time
Oh, whoa, you're waiting for the right time, stop waiting for the right time
Oh, you're waiting for the right time