
(11/9) Short trip to Maranatha...not sure what to expect...I've only been there for games (soccer/bball regionals). Got there around 4pm...we decided to eat dinner there instead of friday. My goodness...if we're talking about comparing menus, mbbc has got it together...their new dining common could fit Nland & Pills' both inside comfortably. Anyway, for those who remember (John/Brooke), caught up with Cynthia Bennett (affectionately knwon as C-Ben) & couple of her friends. Went to Latte Donatti (C-Ben's coffee shop) & chatted for a while to catch up...

Got back to the Guest room...they actually had cable...Tim & I were impressed at least. Checked the bus for my bags & couldn't find my suitcase for the life of me...found out the next morning that one of the guys had accidentally taken out and put it in their dorm...whoops. Ah well, I didn't need clean underwear anyway (j/k). No prank calls tonight...what a pity.

(11/10) Breakfast: we got waffles....they almost ran out of batter, but made some more...that's what I call service. Chapel was alright...different, but alright. Tim & I skipped the tour....what a shame. I actually got some work done this trip in the library...a little renaissance reconnaissance action (world history...I'm teaching on the renaissance soon). Only about an hour, then lunch...after we waited in the lunch room mingling w/teens coming in and out for about an hour....we decided to get some stuff packed up for our soon departure. I tell ya' it was horrible outside though. It was a mixture of sleet/snow/rain/hail/fire/brimstone/whatever & was crazy weather-wise. Well, I promised C-Ben that I'd go to History of Civ. w/her so I had to venture back out. That's where the pic is taken the middle of sleeting Maranasty(Maranatha)!

(11/10 - 11/11) I'm combining these days because....well, I just can...actually, we drove the entire way back from 3pm on Friday till 10am on Saturday. Did some reading, played some games, made some calls, took several naps...had my best nap after a little Peppermint Mocha at a Starbucks at 3am in Ohio...slept for about 2 1/2 uninterrupted hours (glorious). We skipped breakfast so we could make it back by 10am.

So, in conclusion, an awesome trip...relaxing, but sleep-deprived. The teens sure enjoyed themself...especially at Nland. I pray and hope to see some of them take the steps toward future ministry whether its full-time or not. I'd love to see them go for at least a year to Bible college...whether or not they choose these three, I know this trip was more profitable then they will realize at least now. Also, I think I gained a couple of pounds b/c of eating out then sitting in a bus all day, unfortunately.

Well, this last little pic is when I got back...fall in PA...I was privileged to go for the week, but also glad to be home....a week and a half before Thanksgiving...can't wait!

Also, a random pic...sitting in my chair about two weeks ago working, I look excited!

Good Ole' Northland (11/7-11/9)

(11/7) Getting to Northland was a little more of a trek w/pretty much nothing in between....and there in the middle of nowhere are the bright lights of Northland. I didn't think I'd be back this soon...just over a year and half from graduation, and I was surprised how distant it felt to be back. I was surprised how few people I knew, but it was good to reconnect. Some of the PR/basketball guys put on a little mixer for the teens...better than pills, free coupons...didn't matter. Tim & I searched around for a place to get a wireless connection so we could check on election, needless to say we went to sleep slightly discouraged. Before that, we decided to crank call the guys/girls dorm...sending security to tell our teens to be quiet in their rooms...just like the good 'ol days.

(11/8) So, chapel was the first highlight...Olson is always refreshing to hear. Spent some time catching up w/friends: Mel, Crystal, Erik, Brad, Suemi, and others. Went on the Nland tour....not sure why...wasn't too impressed but ah well. Rehashed w/Dr. Bennett after his class....still impressed w/his wisdom on education. Tried to get some grades entered in the afternoon...after a while, realized it wasn't worth it mainly b/c I kept finding people to talk to and distract me from doing it. That night after dinner, we took the teens to youth group at 1st Baptist in Pound (Tim's extension while at Nland) at Faith's gym in Coleman. My cousin, Justin, helps lead it and the teens had a good time...I was supposed to somehow get to Section 8 (where I went while in school) for their coffee shop/college bible Jen, I still feel sorry about missing phone went dead & I could do nothing about it.

(11/9) Wanted to leave after chapel...but we thought it was student body...nope, class chapel & not worth it. So, I had told Tim we'd try to get breakfast b/c you can make waffles in the morning now....well, after getting up at 7am...we found out that they are trying a parfait bar on Thursday morning...of all the days. Well, we were disappointed, but instead spent the morning in the grind...a good way to say adieu again to Nland....good weather there by they way. Now, we got to head to Maranasty by the afternoon, but are trying to delay the inevitable.

Overall, the teens really liked Northland...I would say the best, and I'm not being biased. Some of the comments: "If Pillsbury & Northland are around the same price, why would anyone go to Pillsbury?" "I can't believe people are as friendly as the promotional video! Its really that way." "So, can we skip Maranatha and just go home." "If God's leading me into the ministry then Northland's where I'm going"

I'm not trying to just toot Northland's horn...I would agree that I loved my time there & would strongly promote it...I would go to Northland again for my college education if I had to do it all over again. We had about 4-5 that seemed strongly interested in going, we'll continue to pray for them in whatever decisions they decide to make.

One last parting shot from our guest room of the nice green grass...which a day later was covered in snow (from what I've heard).

Pillsbury (11/5-11/7)

A several hour trip from our hotel in Illinois to Owatonna was long and drawn out to Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. Now, I've never been to Pills before so I have no idea what to expect. My first clue that it was going to be a challenge was when we arrived on Sunday night, and the coffee shop was closed...not a good sign. But, they let the teens play basketball for about an hour then they settled in.

(11/6) The next day was one of two mornings when I would not get up for breakfast...really not worth the physical strain. Went on the Pills tour and to a world history class w/some teens. Spent the afternoon in the bookstore w/Pastor Tim b/c really, there wasn't much else to do. After dinner, their improv group wanted to share some time with our teens...lets just lay the sarcasm aside & just say it was bad. The only profit: a free coffee coupon...alright, now we're getting somewhere.

(11/7) Packed up and off to the Mall of America. 1 1/2 hr. later & Minnesota was finally worth the trip...after surveying the landscape for a know I have a cinnabon & the ability to shop for the next few hours...I knew I would enjoy this trip. About 3pm, we left for the alma mater...good ole' Northland. Not sure how the kids are going to view it after a disappointing Pills trip, but hoping it goes well.

Midwest College Trip

From last Saturday (11/4) until this morning (11/11), I helped chaperone the Calvary teens on their trip to three colleges in the midwest. Pillsbury, Northland, and Maranatha were the, I'm going to quickly chronicle our trip from the beginning until today.

Before I left, it took several days to prep. for my classes that I would be leaving behind while trying to get grades tabulated at the same time...just so happens that I never got my grades in (they were due 11/3). If anybody knows what I'm talking about with grades, they can be a frustration especially when the gradebook in your computer has been down for two weeks before report cards go out. So, in the midst of all the prepping & grading, I had to find time to pack and did so the morning of (after about 3hrs. sleep).

November 11th: we left early (7am) from Calvary...made several stops and reached Schaumburg, IL by 9pm that night...crazy trip & here's some pics taken by the teens with my camera. Pretty much any time that I tried to take a short nap they thought it'd be fun to take pictures often posing with me...ah well.

So, here's Bryan posing while I'm trying to sleep.

Donnie & Maggie hanging out,

Paul & Donnie staring at or not at the camera,

and Elissa & Chris as well...