Pillsbury (11/5-11/7)

A several hour trip from our hotel in Illinois to Owatonna was long and drawn out to Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. Now, I've never been to Pills before so I have no idea what to expect. My first clue that it was going to be a challenge was when we arrived on Sunday night, and the coffee shop was closed...not a good sign. But, they let the teens play basketball for about an hour then they settled in.

(11/6) The next day was one of two mornings when I would not get up for breakfast...really not worth the physical strain. Went on the Pills tour and to a world history class w/some teens. Spent the afternoon in the bookstore w/Pastor Tim b/c really, there wasn't much else to do. After dinner, their improv group wanted to share some time with our teens...lets just lay the sarcasm aside & just say it was bad. The only profit: a free coffee coupon...alright, now we're getting somewhere.

(11/7) Packed up and off to the Mall of America. 1 1/2 hr. later & Minnesota was finally worth the trip...after surveying the landscape for a while...so know I have a cinnabon & the ability to shop for the next few hours...I knew I would enjoy this trip. About 3pm, we left for the alma mater...good ole' Northland. Not sure how the kids are going to view it after a disappointing Pills trip, but hoping it goes well.


when i went on a college tour to pillsbury in high school we didn't get to go to the mall of america - we went to that big hunting store - i can't remember the name - talk about major let down.

And I thought a little dog generated too much conversation! ;)

Read thru some recent postings out there on ya.....

Anyways...your statement...

"I pray and hope to see some of them take the steps toward future ministry whether its full-time or not. I'd love to see them go for at least a year to Bible college...whether or not they choose these three, I know this trip was more profitable then they will realize at least now."

...reveals your heart in the matter and we all know you wouldn't choose a college based on it's coffee shop & that that was just a passing statement about not being able to hang out there Sunday night....

and, well...I am gonna leave it there...at least for now!

Prayin' for ya...

Hi Nathan,

I'm sorry to hear your stay at Pillsbury was not enjoyable. I know it's not for everyone but I LOVED it!!! If I had to do it all over again... PILLSBURY would still be my number one choice! They may have been a small school but they had TONS to offer. My friends and I NEVER lacked for things to do. If there wasn't anything we wanted to participate in on campus-- there were always different music and drama productions we could go to around town! Oh... and we always had fun bowling, shopping and picnicking at local parks!!! The problem wasn't a lack of things to do... it was a lack of time to do all that we wanted to!;-)

I am incredibly grateful for my time at Pillsbury. It was the best four years of my life (especially spiritually)!

I am SO THANKFUL for schools like Pillsbury, Northland and Maranatha whose goal is to teach and prepare students to be servants of our GREAT GOD.

Proverbs 27:17 "iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." I hope we can practice this in every area of our life... even when comparing Bible colleges;-)

Jen & Mark... that big hunting store is called Cabela's. And I'd much rather go to the Mall of America too;-)!

Found your blog because of all of the publicity you've created for Pills in the fundy world (see Sharper Iron blog)! I went to Pills back in the Potter days and it was a great place to be then. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to write about. I noticed in your profile that Blue Like Jazz is one of your favorite books - - that piqued my interest because it is also one of me and my husband's favorites too (and he was a life-long Calvary student K-12). Anyway, it seems counter-intuitive to me that Blue Like Jazz is one of your favorite books and you work at Calvary - - light worlds apart in philosophy from each other - care to share your thoughts on that?