God works through our work (but we have to work)

I missed sitting in on Sunday's message (which was okay b/c one of the highlights of my month is teaching 3-5yr old Grace4Kids), but I burned a copy and have since listened to it thricely (it's a new word...look it up Webster). Psalm 127 was the passage, but I had no idea of the behind whooping I was about to receive from vs. 1-2. Two little verses that open up a gamut of Scriptural passages and principles applying to my current state.

Needless to say I've been a slacker most of my life. I've skated by on just enough because it was just enough to get by. I'm one of those guys who would skim his notes right before a test and get an A...one of those guys you probably love(d) to hate. I never really had to work for much, and my motivation for excelling has been non-existent. I hate to admit, but even in relation to spiritual things I figured I could coast on the grace given upon conversion, but never really relying on Future Grace (plug for one of my favorite books ever!)

So, this struggle became evident a couple months back as I saw myself coasting through a tedious job (which I'm grateful for don't get me wrong...but completely teeedddiiiouuusss), sitting on my hands when it came to preparing for possible teaching opportunities, and not looking (at all) for other career opportunities (job areas were just one arena, but provide the best example). That laziness came to a tipping point this past week when (b/c of work closings) I came face to face with not being able to pay my bills for the first time ever. I've always been able to finagle finances around to come out alright and sometimes even, but to not be able provide brought me to the end of myself. I'd always trusted in myself to provide (with maybe a lingering thought to the actual Provider), but when I couldn't...who do you think I went running to? 'Bout time.

My last post was alluding to this, but I hesitant to bring those things out because its just not something people talk about...but since this blog is all about "brooding over benevolence" I have to be specific in how God is working. So I had to bring those things out to someone, and I'm thankful for the wisdom of a certain godly man in my church who sat down with me, gave me prudent counsel, helped me lay down my goals and how to achieve them, and steps to take now to get myself out of the current hole. Talk about humbling...finances have always been something I've been able to "manage", but in many Christian subcultures you don't bring it up. I'm thankful God brought it to my heart and enabled me to share...we don't do this enough...but it's amazing the peace that comes from the Spirit when we're open and honest.

So, how does this apply to the message...God works through our work in building His Kingdom, in building up faith, and in building up each other (which sometimes may be painful). If God brought me to the city to labor for the kingdom and exhort the body, why was I doing such a lackluster job at it? If God had given me the passion and enablement to teach, then why wasn't I? If God had given me the ability to get of my keester and provide for my financial state (and my current employment is not doing that), then what am I still doing sitting here?

So, per God's grace and wise counsel...I'm on the road to being certified to teach in PA (met w/an advisor today at HFU...just gotta take the tests and finish the application process), took a test tonight to work part-time as an enumerator for the Census Bureau (got a good score...so the ball should start rolling on that soon), and working on some personal loan stuff that should consolidate/eventually eliminate my debt.

It's amazing to see the change in my heart, motives, and attitude about a self-induced, slipshod (alright...this actually is a word...look it up) situation. It's completely an evidence of grace as I start to see God working through my work...imagine that. And finally, I know I did a subpar job of describing the message on Sunday...listen to it here, subscribe on itunes, or I'll burn you a copy...it's that important. Grace and Peace.