Junior High Winter Weekend

One thing I realized this weekend is that getting older or more out of shape...actually, I'm pretty sure its both. This weekend, I helped counsel at Calvary's JH winter weekend. It was pretty crazy crazy...it went like this: got there friday night during the service (after varsity lehigh game), ran w/jh'ers during the manhunt activity (shortness of breath)...tried to coax them to sleep (got about 6hrs...felt like 2). Saturday: meals, services, more running activities (slight coronary embolism), counselor time (basketball in activity center = cramping and loss of leg mobility), football afterwards (chronic hyperventilation with bouts of muscle tension and inflamed wheezing). Sunday: meals, service, more football (increased hypertension and continual cramping). So, all in all an exciting yet tiring weekend.

Derek (my housemate) and I had the 7th grade guys in our cabin for the weekend...good times...some of them still need to take Showering 101, but all in all were pretty responsive during the week. Got to talk to a couple one on one about personal situations and struggles and even during devotional/God and I time, Derek and I got some good feedback from the guys....they know the right answers for the most part now its up to God to work in their lives to produce the right results.

A couple of pics from camp...flour dodgeball & sharon tug (before limbs were ripped off).

Also, here's a video from Winter weekend & I have to give some background....A couple of months ago, I let it slip out to a couple of 8th grade guys that I used to play Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis about 9-10 years ago...as 8th graders, they ran with it & were determined to play it for me at Winter weekend along with dancing...I had to get a video.


Hi...don't know who you are, but linked to you through various blogs...I noticed the flour bombs at the youth activity...that's a favorite of our youth group's as well. Kudos.