Countdown to Good Friday - Part Deux (Wondrous Love)

Sometimes you just have to be reminded that Jesus covers our mistakes. Like accidentally deleting this post, then having blogger crash on me and thinking it was autosaved, and it wasn't. So, I'm grateful for the week off so I can spend time, reading about and reflecting on God's gracious gift, working on grad work, spending time with friends, and just taking in moments because that's all I have is this moment now. Grateful for friends who will shake off playoff hockey to play basketball for an hour. Grateful to God for the ability to run 4.5 miles on 4 different occasions in the past week...pretty sure that's the first time that's ever happened (and for YouVersion who updated their app to include vocal recordings of most of their English was a blessing during my 5mile run tonight (though I was slightly distracted by the Pacers as well:))

So, honestly I'm just thankful that God is greater than my sin, my failures, me. He loves and cares even when I'm a complete mess. He gives and gives though I could never repay Him nor would I try because that would be an afront to His free gift of grace. I could never earn it, and I'm grateful. I could never pay the debt, and I fall deeper into debt to grace each moment of each day.

I'm grateful for music that expresses my thoughts and feelings toward a great God. I'm grateful for churches (GBC being one of them) who write and make music that bottles those expressions of gratefulness and appreciation through various styles and forms. So, I'm going to be sharing this week some of my favorite songs relating to the awesome and awful torture of my God and King hoping you can rejoice with me.

From Mars Hill's Good Friday service last year, I love this rendition of a long-standing hymn which eminates the feelings and despair of a wretched and depraved soul who has nothing outside of the Wondrous Love of a Saviour.

What Wondrous Love is This?

And from The Village Church in Dallas...this just came out a few weeks ago, and I'm so grateful. I know that I'll be sharing more in the next few days because it's stellar in the truth expressed...enjoy!

In My Place