Three Days into One

So I have been good at taking pics, but not at posting. I even had yesterday off & still didn't...aarggh. ah well, better late than never.

(01/05/10)This would be one of the curricula for our group redemption which starts this coming Tuesday..pray, pray, pray for God's working. We've been praying for the last 3 months for those who would come, for God to prepare & equip us, & that the gospel would be clear and revealed as the source of overcoming addictions. We'd appreciate your prayers as we seek to further the kingdom.

(01/06/10) With my new found love for exercise came a desire to eat better. Just showing one of my first examples w/some baked tilapia (if there's a healthier way to cook it, please advise), peas&carrots (forrest gump analogy if you get it), & some kiwi (becoming one of my favorite fruits...right up there w/pears).

(01/07/10) Yes, more fish...mahi, mahi this time...marinated (one in honey dijon (not again) & one in italian dressing w/parmesan (good idea...really soaked in the fish & gave a nice flavor). Three of my first four meals this week were my local grocer. I stocked up on much fish, pork, veggies, & fruit and am really enjoying the effects of a non-wasteful, healthier lifestyle. And oh, btw, went to the gym 4 days in a row (evidence of grace if there ever was one)...feeling really victorious this week & hope/pray it continues (would love it if you prayed with me). Well, my day off adventure will have come later today...appreciate you reading & hope you continue to see God in the every day situations.