"The Lord surrounds his people"

I say it every sabbath...but I can't say it enough. I enjoy the communion and fellowship of redemptive community (I couldn't have always said it, but I'm thankful that at this time in my life I can).

From pre-service morning prayer focusing on Eph. 2:1-10 and the mercy of God that ripped into my life when I was "dead in our (my) trespasses, made us (me) alive together with Christ". I can't say enough how the Spirit uses His Word to break open a heart and refresh, renew, convict, and rejuvenate for a morning of life-worship.

To greeting, which I'm not so good at...but I enjoy. In all honesty, it would not have been my first option as a means of service, but I look forward to it every time I do it. I'm not the most extroverted persons and to be able to see people when they first walk in church to greet them, know their name, maybe reflect on grace in the past week, or tell them you've been praying for them (and that being true)...this is not something I grew up with people. Me doing this and being excited about is an evidence of grace.

To ushering, somebody's gotta do it...and again I enjoy it. It may seem menial or insignificant, but it's a tool (monetary offering) to further the kingdom in proclaiming the gospel in NE Philly and around the world. Doing security during the service (which basically means you sit in the foyer, make a couple "security checks" during the service, and watch for shady characters trying to come in and disrupt (which they've definitely done before...true story)) which still allows me to listen, but I'm happy to do it. I honestly never thought it would be such a joy to minister in these ways in a church...I always it would be as it had been...teaching the kids, singing in the choir, being on the bible quiz (haha...just kidding, but seriously this is a whole 'nother blog post), etc.

To the passage/sermon, which I've been making a habit of reading/meditating on before the service the past few weeks. I know it means waking up early which if anyone knows me is not an easy task. Today's sermon was Psalm 125 in the series of "Songs of Ascent". I'll give a quick low down & hope it's a blessing:

3 evidences of humble confidence when we trust in the Lord

1.) When we trust in the Lord, we will experience a confident stability (vs. 1)
*Like Mt Zion where God's people worshiped, God assures his
people that when they trust (even though they were
undeserving) they are cared for by God who has chosen them.
*We can always count on God to be our deliverer (from
temptation), provider (salvation/basic needs), protector (from
the evil one), Shepherd (cares & guides continually), & King
(rules over me through His Word).

2.) When we trust in the Lord, we experience a confident security
(vs. 2-3)
*Security comes through God who is our protector
*God's assurance is those who exercise ungodly authority over
His people will not rule long.
*God is promising that these rulers with a "scepter of
wickedness" will not torment God's people, but they can be
confident in the fact that they are surrounded by the Lord.

3.) When we trust in the Lord, we will experience a confident ability to pray (vs. 4-5)
*Resting in the promise that God will do good to His people,
and they should lift up confident prayers of provision,
protection, deliverance, etc.
*Through Christ, He opened access to the Father (an assurance
of blessing)
*Because of the "community language" in vs. 4 that gives us a
legitimate & necessary way to pray for each other in the body.

Definitely not a complete exposition & I barely gave my application, but good stuff from the Lord by using Ian this morning. Which I have to brag on him a little because the Lord has been so gracious by bringing me here to GBC and being so spoiled by awesome expository, Spirit-filled preaching...He is so kind in that way.

And finally to our family meeting which is not like typical "business meetings" in churches I've previously attended, but continues the fellowship aspect while allowing the body to participate in the vision for the Church. And with a lot of exciting things coming down the pike, I continued to rejoice over the Lord's gracious provision to this body of believers in NE Philly and how He'll continue to work.

Well, that was a lie...finally, to Table Talk which starts in about 25 minutes. A time for guys from GBC to reflect on the mercy and grace of the Father through caring for each others souls, stirring up to good works, admonishing/instructing in the Word, and enjoying great coffee at the best coffee shop in NE Philly (yeh, I'm partial...but I gotta give a plug to Great Awakenings...check it out if you've got a chance b/c you'll enjoy it (especially for those on the West coast...you know who you are :) )). Grace & Peace.


well, ahem, I did try to check it out, but your link didn't go through....
so I will look forward to checking it out soon;-)

yeh, not sure why that's happening right now b/c it was working 4hrs ago when I posted it. It may be down for maintenance...but believe me it exists b/c I just came from there.