Becoming a child with a burning heart...and by burning heart I don't mean susceptible to bouts of dyspepsia.

It seems like the same lesson is getting hammered in this week. But at times, I just need a refreshing reminder of an awesome truth. I know the word "awesome" is widely overused (including by me), but it's fitting. I was rereading Tozer's Pursuit of God earlier today...seriously, I think we're almost on double digits with this booklet, but it's weighty every time. So much highlighting in this thing & even more highlighting & notes today :)

That God so graciously sought me out when I was most unworthy is uncomprehensible. That He continues to pursue & spur me on to pursue Him back is mercy beyond my wildest imagination. Tozer so aptly describes the desire to pursue "To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul's paradox of love scorned indeed by the too easily satisfied religionist, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart." I find the longsuffering of God evident in allowing me to be a child that burns after Him...I can't explain it lately, but my passions so easily swayed recently have been anchored this whole time to the cornerstone which is Christ. I was wrestling through some things the other day, and starting to see myself discouraged when a friend so graciously said in passing "thank God that you're fighting it". He truly is benevolent to pursue me & prove a greater joy than what I think is best for me.

I'm amazed by the life of Moses in Exodus 33 when I just imagine the anguish & utterly dependent contrition when he exclaimed "Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight." And when God grants his request...I love that Moses doesn't stop there, but continues to pursue God in saying "please show me your glory". It gives me chills to read that again...God that I would fight to know you. To trust your kindness to me in making me your own, that YOU ARE MAKING MY PATHS STRAIGHT when I stopping resting in me & lean on you! You would be ever faithful to incline your ear to my ramblings, groanings, and pleadings.

So what am I thankful for...He's given me a great family that loves and pursues Him. He's provided resources and opportunities for me to come in contact with people repeatedly over the last few weeks and opportunities to share the gospel (praying desperately for more), He was merciful to give my dad cancer and bring him back to the Father (sometimes we need a big push to pursue), that dad is rejoicing in the presence of the Savior now, He's been gracious to renew my love for teaching and placed me in a great school for the next week and a half. So much more, but I have a busy weekend ahead & need my beauty sleep (fyi, i will delete all comments mocking that phrase :)

Looking forward to a full weekend of solace, fresh air, and much exuberant male bonding...9 guys in a cabin in the woods with many much flannel wearing, beard toting (I've got quite the lumberjack look going...or Joaquin Phoenix as I've been told), grilling/drinking, hiking (sadly not much frozen waterfall climbing due to the recent heat wave), and I'm planning on much time to read, reflect, & continue to rest as I pursue my God...with several books in toe (always the case with me). My selections for the weekend are

Pursuit of God by Tozer
Meditations by Fenelon
What is the Gospel? by Gilbert
The Good News We Almost Forgot by DeYoung
Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright
A Call to Die by Nasser
Digital Field Guide by J.D. Thomas (for my gently used, but newly acquired Nikon D80)

Hmmm...maybe I should bring a few more...jk. I may get to 1-2, but I'm (to a fault sometimes) always overprepared.

Wow, 6 posts in 6 days...didn't think I'd see the day...that'll end this weekend for sure. Listening to this a bit, love, love this truth.