Though the fig tree should not blossom...yet I will rejoice in the Lord"

Right now, I'm loving the penetrating movement of the Holy Spirit. Every day brings new challenges, and every day I'm reminded more and more of His chiseling work.

Whether it's playing basketball for a couple of hours and realizing quickly that I'm not where I should be physically (but He's doing a work & there's progress). Sometimes it's standing on the sidelines, and Ian drops Habakkuk 3 on me...that's some heavy stuff when your waiting for your game to start, but it was apt and beneficial. Habakkuk 3: 17-19

"Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's;
he makes me tread on my high places."

Sometimes when there's no fruit/progress, and you're in a seemingly "deserted" place in life, rejoice! Take joy in God who gives strength & rejuvenates.

Sometimes it's talking with a friend after lunch yesterday, and they're challenging the things I'm holding on to as idols. I know it's true because my flesh is warring in me as they're saying it. Some things desperately need to be let go because the preoccupation & lingering thoughts are damaging my relationship with God. Sometimes it's okay not to know the answers to questions and trust (a common theme over the past few weeks, but coming up again because I needed it...again).

And providentially, I came home after basketball tonight to read Habakkuk and in vs 18-20 of Chapter 2, the establishing of idols is warned against because of the selfish ambition of the idol-creator and how much of an affront that is to the Lord who "is in His holy temple."

Sometimes it's the growth that comes from changing care groups. The group that I've come to know, love, trust, and open up to for the past two years split up this past week. I know God is using this change to me more into His image and give more opportunities to reach into others lives. I'm grateful for the grace and strength to honestly be okay with the split. Thankful for the two years sharing much with a great group of people and anticipating great things that God has planned with this "new" group of like-minded believers. I love that God is growing Grace Bible Church, leading more people to becoming involved in community to force group splits, bringing more "locals" to hear the gospel and see it in other's lives, transitioning the church body to two Sunday services, and loving to see God use the opportunity to make His name great, strengthen His church, and draw us to greater understanding of His mission for us in Philly.

I can't leave without a song, and I'm falling in love very quickly with "Jars of Clay Presents The Shelter". I may write an entry for each song they've been such a blessing so far. My favorite as of now is based off Psalm 27 called "Run in the Night". I love the imagery of running to the Father in the "night" of the soul. He's the one who found us first, seizes us with His perfection, calls us beloved, won't condemn us, and spreads peace...and by him, we have a shelter and cover to run to in the night.

"Run In The Night (Psalm 27)"

I know who I am
Once I was nameless, alone and You found me
You formed my knees to bend
You called me beloved
I am perfection

All my failures won't condemn me
Or leave me paralyzed and bound
And when I'm at my worst
Your love, it finds me first
By You I can run in the night
For by You I can run in the night

For I am such a man
Seized by the power of a great perfection
No matter where I am
Peace spreads below me in every direction

When evil sets the war upon me
I won't stumble, I won't fall
And though they do their worst
Your love has found me first
For by You I can run in the night
For by You I can run in the night
For by You I can run in the night

Hide me in the shelter of...
Keep me in the cover of...
Lead me in the light of Your love
Hide me in the light of Your love

For by You I can run in the night
For by You I can run in the night
For by You I can run in the night
For by You I can run in the night


thinking of you today........
love me some Habakkuk!